Many people want to make money online but they are frightened of the scams and are not able to find a trustable site. Some people want to make money online but they are afraid of that they would not be able to give proper time or specific hours in a day and they would not make a deal of it. To address both of these issues I have come up this article that will help you out to do short tasks online and get paid for. You may have many issues but the sites listed below will help you to earn by doing short tasks that could take some seconds or minutes to complete. So that means you could earn while sitting in a bus or in your meal time and there will be an extra cash flow for you in spite of a busy schedule. The paying scheme and tasks are different for different sites but it could be amazing to know the fact that you could also earn in your few extra minutes.
1. Cash Crate
Cash Crate is in business since 2006 and have 7 Million satisfied users. On Crash Crate you will have to do short tasks like playing games, completing certain offers, watching videos or testing products and services and providing your feedbacks. You can boost your income by inviting your friends to Cash Crate. To get paid out you should have at least $20 in your Crash Crate account and it would take a month for the money to get to you. You could get your money via PayPal, Dwolla or a check according to your level at their site. The only drawback on this site is the time they take for the money to get to you.
2. MTurk
Amazon Mechanical Turk commonly known as MTurk is another get to paid website that is run by the famous online store Amazon. Like Swagbucks you would have to do short tasks and you will be paid for that. On MTurk you will have to do tasks like transcribing, Google search, validate data or take surveys etc. For every task you do on MTurk you will be paid in pennies or a few dollars according to the type of task and you can get paid after 10 days at this site for the first time and after that you can cash out any amount from your account once a day through Amazon gift cards or your Bank account. To boost your income you have to do task more often in less time so that you could make more dollars in an hour.
3. Inbox Dollars
Inbox Dollars is a get to paid website that is in business since 2000 and will pay you for activities like online shopping, taking surveys, watching videos and playing games. You will get points for activities you do on Inbox Dollars and once your balance goes to $30 you can ask for a payout. You would be paid via check, Visa card or gift cards that you can use on different retailers. Like others you would not get rich but you could get $20 to $30 for a month and you would be amazed to know that Inbox Dollars has paid 57 Million Dollars to its users.
4. Fiverr
Fiverr is a freelancing website that helps you to find short task for money. This site is different from other sites listed in this article. People around the world who need assistance in tasks use this site to find appropriate people for the task to be done. To get started you will have to make a profile and you will have to mention in your portfolio that what type of work you want to do and what you can do. On Fiverr you are asked to do short tasks like story writing, poem writing, graphic designing, making shot videos, data entry tasks or writing assignments. The tasks can be completed in minutes or some hours according to its nature. The minimum amount you will be paid for is $5 for a single task. This is a website which you can also take as a full time job as there are many opportunities available on this website. The amount you earn on this site reaches you via PayPal or other options like that.
5. Swagbucks
One of the most famous and most visited site for getting paid for short tasks is Swagbucks. This is a site that will pay you for almost doing everything that you do for free like searching the internet, looking for new deals, watching videos, playing games and filling up survey forms in certain cases. It is very easy to join Swagbucks and you will earn a bonus of $10 for just signing up. You would earn points on Swagbucks known as SB points and when you will reach a certain limit of SB points you can redeem them in to PayPal cash or gift cards that you can use on Amazon or Walmart. Swagbucks would not make a use rich but it has paid $300 Million to its users. You could earn $20 to $30 a month on Swagbucks.
6. Humanatic
Humanatic is a bit different from other websites and on this site you will have to review recorded calls. This site help different companies to better their service of costumer care and their services. You would remember that when you call a customer care center sometime they say that the call is being recorded. So here on this site you have to review these calls. You would be hired as an independent contractor by Humanatic and you could work according to your convenience. It is up to you how much you work and you work in day or night. You could earn from $1 to $4.5 per hour according to your level of accuracy. So the time independency rates this site as a short task website to earn money.
7. Fusion Cash
Fusion Cash is another get paid to website that works like Swagbucks. On this site you will be asked to do short tasks like shopping online, watching videos or taking surveys. You will be a few cents for every activity you do on this site. On joining you will be rewarded $5 and you can boost your income by referring this site to your friends and family. The minimum amount to get paid is $25 and you can be paid via PayPal, check or you can directly deposit that amount to your account.
8. Shopkick
Shopkick is also a website to be get paid for short tasks. On shopkick you will have to do short tasks like visiting online stores, viewing products online, submitting your receipts, online shopping, watching videos or just walking in to stores. You will earn points named as kicks for every activity you do on Shopkick. You have number of ways to earn kicks and you can redeem these kicks in to gift cards that can be used on famous stores like Amazon, Walmart and Target etc. If you will go for typical tasks you will only make a few dollars in a week. To enhance your income you should try online shopping. According to their website their users can win a gift card within a week of joining.
9. Survey Junkie
Survey Junkie is one of the famous sites for taking surveys. This site is like other get paid to websites but they specializes in surveys. You can make an account for free and once you make your profile you can get surveys that match to your profile. This is one of the best method to earn because you will be earning for sharing your opinion and views. You will be awarded with points for completing a survey and once you reach a certain limit you can redeem these points in to gift cards that could be used on famous retailers or you can redeem them in to PayPal cash. On average you will be paid from $1 to $3 for a survey but the amount can increase according to the time taken by the survey.
10. User Testing
This is a site that will pay you for reviewing websites and videos. On this site you will have to give your feedback about a website or a video. This could be done by writing your feedback or making an audio or video for it but sometimes you could be asked to be in a live conservation with the owner of the site. This website helps websites owners or admins to make their website better and user friendly. For a 10 to 20 minute test of a website you are paid $10 and this amount increase when you are engaged in a live conversation. You are paid through PayPal after a week of completing a task.
So these were some pickups of the site that pays people for shot tasks. You just need some minutes in a day to complete these tasks for most of the cases. As most of the sites pay less and you cannot replace that with your regular income source but these sites can give you some extra dollars in every week that can boost your income. So you should better try them once. Do comment in the comment section below and also share your experience.